Saturday, January 9, 2010

Animal Paintings

"Sphinx", 30x30, oil on canvas, Fall 2009

I am fascinated by the pet culture. This painting is pointing out that we are not the first civilization to give our pets a higher status in our lives and culture. This hairless "sphinx" cat is hyper aware and almost uncertain of the attention he has received in order to be adorned with a Pharaoh like necklace.

"Molly", 18x24, oil on canvas, Fall 2009

This is a painting I did of my rabbit Molly. She is a 4 year old Dutch rabbit. She enjoy tearing up paper, chewing through wires and being adorable.

"Curiosity Soaked the Cat", 18x24, oil on canvas, Fall 2009

I went more abstract and expressionistic with this work. These are two of my pet cats from childhood when they were kittens getting into the bathtub.

"Red Sweater", 24x18, oil on canvas, Fall 2009

Why would you ever put a sweater on a cat?? Obsession with your cat? maybe.

"Arnold", 18x24, oil on canvas, Fall 2009

This started out as this:

My professor decided we would all switch our paintings randomly with another person. They would then paint on our painting and then give it back for us to finished. Needless to say Arnold ended up being high on catnip at mardi gras.

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